Thursday, January 19, 2017

Logan Kathleen: 5 months old!

Weight: 14.5 pounds-ish (just on our scale at home)

Height: 25.5 inches, probably longer, but trying to measure her is a joke!

Size: Size 2 diapers, wears mostly 3-6 month and some 6 month clothing

Nicknames: Lo, LoLo, Logos, Lola, Lolita, Little Lolita, not even sure how these came about!

Eating: Every 3-4 hours, still EBF

Sleeping: Ugh, I cringed when I remembered how she was sleeping at 4 months. The last 2 weeks have been truly awful for sleep... we think it's a combo of teething and her first cold :( It's just a tiny little cold and it's already almost gone, BUT, holy moly... she's reverted to sleeping like she's a newborn, and let me tell you, it's quite frustrating. Some nights she will sleep 4-5 hours but lately she's been waking up every 2 hours, sometimes she's just jabbering and then she'll fall back asleep, but other times she is screaming and won't take her suckie so then obviously I'll just feed her. We are all so ready for her to be sleeping better... especially because she had been doing 7-8 hours stretches!

Loves: Jumping in her jumperoo, bath time, anything that I'm doing (seriously, I will hold her while I do my makeup and it keeps her entertained!), being silly with daddy, shaking her rattles and almost hitting herself in the face, putting anything and everything in her mouth, giggling, squeaking, squawking, yelling, screeching - basically making as much loud noise in as many different ways as possible! She has so many fun toys, but she'd honestly rather play with a package of wipes or a burp cloth.

Doesn't love: When she's missing out! She has serious FOMO. She wants to be a part of everyyyyything we're doing. If we have people over, she'd rather nap downstairs with us than in her crib! So funny. She also haaaates getting boogers sucked or picked out of her nose, and I really don't blame her!

Milestones: Rolling over allllllll the time, sitting up on her own for probably 10-30 seconds, she's getting really great at grabbing toys and playing with them!

Features: Still balding, mostly one line on the back of her head, still looks mostly like Drew, but is probably a combo of both of us, eyes are still brown - funny story - the other day at the store, an older man came up and wanted to see her and he said "Wow, look at those pretty blue eyes!" I just smiled and thanked him :)

Fun stuff: Lo had her first swim lesson last week! It was! She was by far the youngest, which I was a bit surprised about. The instructor used her as an example of how to put your baby under water... I feel like I did a pretty decent job of keeping my cool, despite how insanely freaked out I was... she put her under for only a split second, and they do that so that if she happens to go under on accident (which I would never let happen!), she won't panic. We played games and sang songs and moved them around in the water. Logan LOVED it! I caught her smiling a couple times. And of course trying to drink the pool water...

And now for the fun part - photos from this past month!

That is one proud daddy! 
Logan's Christmas dress here, polka dot tights here

This girl stole the show at Christmas Eve service! There were 3 little girls sitting in front of us and they kept turning around and smiling at her, and one would whisper to her mom "Look at her little tights!" and "Look! Now she's asleep!" Seriously so cute.

My dress sold out here, but similar here

Hanging with her pal, River! One of my closest friends had her little boy 4 days after Logan. They live in KC so we don't get to see them often, but I love when we do! It's so fun to see Lo with a baby her age. They were so cute together! :)

She is seriously such a goofball!

Cutest outfit from nana... "All of God's grace in one little face"
Also, the bigger the bow, the closer to God. Right? :)

New Year's Eve! We had a laid back and wonderful night, we went to Target and watched a movie... and later on in the evening we walked down to our neighbor's house to hang out with them for a bit! Loved ringing in the new year with my sweet family.


Little cutie sitting up!
Bear hoodie on sale here

Ready for her first swim lesson!

Workin' on those abs!

Silliest girl!

This was the first month where I noticed it was really difficult to take her monthly photos, haha. She kept trying to roll over and wouldn't sit still. It was quite entertaining. :)

I do feel bad for complaining about her lack of sleep, because she is such a sweet baby. She has the best demeanor. And she really is handling her cold and teething like a champ. But boy does it break my heart when I can tell she's in pain. That's another reason I love nursing, I can instantly make her feel better. We are so ready for those teeth to pop through!

Thanks for following along!

<3, Kace

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