Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Logan Kathleen: 7 months old!

I'm a few days late on this update, but life is just getting busier & busier! And I'm not complaining... it keeps me out of trouble. ;)

Our peanut turned 7 months old on Saturday! She's just the most fun. She surprises us every day with her bravery and strength. We have quite the strong-willed baby on our hands. But I wouldn't want it any other way!

Weight: 15 lbs, 6 oz

Height: 27 inches

Size: Size 3 diapers, wears mostly 6-9 month clothing, some 9 month clothing

Nicknames: LoLo, Los, SkeeBo, Peanut, Teeny Peeny, Missy, Missy Pants

Eating: Still nursing every 4 hours, we try to do one "meal" a day, usually around dinner time, she loves banana, apple, avocado, peanut butter, squash, carrots...she tried a lemon and made no face whatsoever! She just acted like she loved it! Hah.

Sleeping: Still sleeping pretty great! We put her to bed between 8 & 8:30 and she gets up between 6:30 & 7:30. I'm pretty consistent with when she goes down for naps, she naps twice a day (usually) around 9:30am and 2pm.

Loves: Anything that is NOT a baby toy: remotes, sunglasses, our phones, straws, coasters, the tray that goes on our ottoman, spoons...she does still like most of her actual baby toys, but she seems to get bored easily. She'd rather stand than sit lately, she is obsessed with the stairs and our dining room chairs - basically anything with "bars" on it...she stands on one side and reaches her hand through, she think it's the coolest thing! Also our friends gave us their Graco Tot Wheels walker...she LOVES that thing. She can get around the entire house - it's opened up an entire new world for her. I'll usually put her in that while I'm making dinner or folding laundry.

Doesn't love: When someone else besides mom holds her - I think she's becoming quite a bit attached to me, which I do love, but I feel bad when she won't go to other people! Obviously she loves her daddy and her grandparents, but if she's hungry and fussy at all, she will not go to anyone except me.

Milestones: Drew and I agree that she said her first word: MAMA! :) We were eating dinner and she was playing in her Baby Einstein activity center and she looked up at me, put her hands out and said "mama!" My heart melted into a puddle. So, we agree, that was her first word, haha. She babbles "mamama" a lot, but this time it was a true two syllable word. I love that baby! She is great at standing, practically on her own! She can take steps while we're holding her hands. WHAT. She can stand up against the couch on her own, obviously I'm a worry wart so I'm always right there with my hand pretty much holding her onesie, haha. She can go up on all fours, but hasn't figured out how to actually crawl. When she wants to get somewhere she will roll to her side and push with her feet and roll back over. She'll figure it out eventually!

Features: She is really losing hair on the top of her head, but it is still growing on the sides, so she has some nice sideburns going on. Still no teef! Her eyes are still the beautiful brown color they were when she was first born.

I don't think I've talked on the blog about how much I love her Rock'n'Play... it's so nice to bring along to family or friends' houses if we're going to be there during naptime! That's pretty much all we use it for lately, but it comes in very handy since it's so light and easy to transport.

Passed out in her Ergo carrier. So sweet!

Looking way too grown up.

Lo's cozy sleeper here.

Her first pair of jeans!!! And a beautiful headband made by nana.

Enjoying some surprise 70 degree weather in February.

Our avocado girl.

I just love that cheese ball so much!

My favorite shopping partner.

Lo's adorable onesie here.

So many onesies! Which do I choose?!

So many goofy faces.

One of my favorite photos of all time! Lo & her sidekick, Boo. Lo's walker similar here.

Napping in her church dress and tights. :)

Cutest little romper.

Using everything possible to distract her while I change her diaper.

Checkin' out that cute babe in the mirror.

We love you so very much, Logan Love. We're so thankful that God chose us to be your parents.

Thanks for following along!

<3, Kace

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