Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Logan Kathleen: 11 months old!

These posts are getting later...and later...and this one is ridiculously late! We are 9 days away from her FIRST BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! I can't believe it. This past month flew by, as usual! Here are miss LoLo's updates:

Weight: 18 lbs, 11 oz

Height: 28 inches

Size: Size 4 diapers, mostly 6-12 month clothing, some 12 month clothing

Nicknames: LoLo, Peanut, Princess, Stinker, Stink Bottom, Booger Butt, Big Girl

Eating: Nursing...on demand...I blame it on teething! Working on a more consistent routine so it's easier to wean. Still eating like a piggy! She definitely has some favorite foods: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, banana, yogurt, cheese, salmon, turkey, chicken, rice, peanut butter, peppers, tomato, apple, cheerios, bread, all of the Plum Organics pouches and Puffs!

Sleeping: Still sleeping great! She goes to bed between 7:30 & 7:45 and sleeps until 6:45 or 7:00, and depending on what time she wakes up, she'll nap around 9:30 or 10 and then again at 2ish.

Loves: Animals, people and people watching - she loves getting anyone and everyone's attention and then will flash her cheesy smile at them, she also just loves any faces - whether they are on TV or in photos - she always smiles when she sees a face, water, our kitties, doing anything outside, especially playing with her water table, stuffed animals, she still loves her walker/activity table,  flipping through books or being read to, opening and closing cabinets, drawers and doors, watching "big kids" play, etc.

Doesn't love: Being told no, getting her diaper changed, bath time...ugh. All of the sudden she hates it! We're working on it...

Milestones: Walks flat-footed while holding one of our hands but still won't try to walk on her own, master climber, her motor skills are pretty dang good - she pulled my credit card out of my wallet, hah!

Features: Her hair has lightened up a bit, but still light brown and it has really gotten long and thick in the back, beautiful brown eyes, four cute teeth that she LOVES showing off!!
Fun stuff: Learned how to blow kisses - she just puts the top of her hand up to her mouth, so cute, shakes her head "no" so much, can do "SO BIG!" when we ask her how big she is, signs "more" & "all done" and "milk" and "drink"...working on "please" now :)
And now, my favorite part - photos!!

Now, it's back to planning her first birthday party... Excuse me while I bawl my eyes out!

Thanks for following along!

<3, Kace

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