How how HOW do we have a 1-year-old?! This was the most wonderful year of our lives. Our girl brings us joy that exceeded our expectations! I plan on doing a longer, sappier post here soon if you're interested in that. :) Now, for her updates:
Weight: 19 lbs
Height: 29 inches
Size: Size 4 diapers, 12 month clothing, some 12-18 month as well
Nicknames: LoLo, Peanut, Princess, Missy Pants, Goober, Goobs, Stinker, Stink Bottom, Booger Butt, Biggest Girl, Stinky (as used by her daddy)
Eating: Nursing every 5-6 hours, starting to wean to just morning and night. She is also getting pickier with foods, the little stinker. Still loves most fruits, cheese, turkey, bread, crackers, peanut butter, eggs, yogurt, cheerios, all of the Plum Organics pouches and Puffs.
Sleeping: Still sleeping great! She goes to bed between 7:15 & 7:30 and sleeps until 6:45 or 7:00, and depending on what time she wakes up, she'll nap around 9:30 or 10 and then again at 2ish.
Loves: Animals, people, books, snacking, music, dancing, Sesame Street, being outside, hanging with mommy, daddy, nana or grandma, playing on her own. She's such a big girl!
Doesn't love: Being told no, falling down (even though we never make a big deal out of it!), not getting something she really wants - she is developing QUITE the little personality!
Milestones: Has taken 4 or 5 steps on her own and can stand for a period of time but she is too careful to really start walking on her own! She is really great at taking directions, like "Can you put that back in there?" and "Can you give that to mommy?" It's pretty cute :)
Features: Her hair has lightened up a bit, but still light brown and it has really gotten long and thick in the back, beautiful brown eyes, four cute teeth that she LOVES showing off!! Her eye teeth are coming through as well.
Fun stuff: She does a huge wave for "hi" and "bye" and uses it on anything and anyone! We usually sit on the porch and wait for dad to come home and of course everyone is walking their dogs and the kids are out playing at that time, and she just LOVES it. She literally freaks out and screeches at every dog that goes by and watches those kids so intently! It's the sweetest.
Photos from her twelfth month!

Photos from her twelfth month!
We love you SO much, Logan girl. I've really enjoyed doing these updates and hopefully you'll enjoy reading them someday! :) Your dad and I are so proud of you. We can't wait to watch you grow up. (But don't let it happen too fast, ok?)
Thanks for following along, friends!
<3, Kace
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