Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Bumpdate: 26 - 28 weeks!

I'm almost 29 weeks! What?! HOW? This pregnancy has continued to go by so quickly - and for that, I am truly thankful. Because we can hardly wait to meet this little princess! At my 28 week appointment I did my glucose testing - which came back normal! PHEW! We also had another ultrasound, since the little one failed to show us her profile during the anatomy scan ultrasound. Aaaaand, surprise surprise - it happened all over again! She is already head down, and she was just tucked so nicely in there that the tech was never able to get a side view of her cute face! So, naturally, she is now referred to as a turkey and as our stubborn child. :) I like to think she's just got a mind of her own!

How far along? 28 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain: 19 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes, yes, yes. Basically all I wear.
Stretch marks? None, yet
Sleep: Definitely more restless, and getting up to pee at least once a night.
Best moment this week: Seeing our precious peanut at the ultrasound! I swear, we are already getting little snippets of her personality, and it's the best. :)
Miss anything? Bending over easily, not having to pee every 30 minutes...
Movement: Still so much! Some of these kicks have actually been hurting! She's a strong one in there.
Food cravings: Cherries - that's a new one! And sugar, sugar, SUGAR.
Labor signs: Nothing yet
Belly button in or out? In - but getting even closer to popping out!
Wedding rings on or off? On 
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy :)
Weekly wisdom: Let people do things for you when they ask (especially your significant other!)
Looking forward to: Registering for our baby shower!

I can't lie, I sort of love showing off my bump! It can be hard to notice if I'm wearing a baggy t-shirt or sweatshirt, so whenever I get the chance to make it known - I do! :)

Love you all!

- Kacey

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