Wednesday, August 3, 2016

38 weeks pregnant!

Welllllllll, for those of you who actually read this blog (hello to my 5 friends and family members!), I'm sorry that I have been slacking on keeping it updated. Dang it. BUT! Nevertheless, I am here with 9 weeks of updates...!

How far along? 38 weeks, 5 days
Total weight gain: 32 pounds, whoa baby
Stretch marks? Kinda sorta on my "love handles"... nothing crazy, but they're there!
Sleep: Oh boy. I am sleeping pretty terribly, can't even lie. I've been getting up 3-4 times a night and have been having trouble falling back asleep, but I know it's just practice for motherhood :)
Best moment this week: My sweet mama had her cleaning lady come and deep clean our house to get ready for baby! It is SUCH a nice feeling to have it professionally cleaned and not have to worry about deep cleaning for a while!
Miss anything? Bloody Marys, sushi, running, not having my life controlled by my bladder, getting up off the couch with ease... But soon I am going to be missing my belly!
Movement: This girl must be running out of room in there! I can feel ALL of her movements, not just kicks, but whenever she rolls around or stretches out. It's so cute!
Food cravings: Smoothies, sparkling water - - La Croix Kiwi Watermelon is the BEST
Labor signs: More frequent Braxton Hicks...
Belly button in or out? Oh, it's aaaaalllllll the way out!
Wedding rings on or off? I've kept them on, although I should have taken them off a while ago! Whoopsy
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy, but definitely emotional this week... I'm just getting so anxious for L&D and SO excited to meet her :)
Weekly wisdom: Take every chance you can to rest, relax, put your feet up, let people do things for you, etc.
Looking forward to: Meeting our sweet Logan girl!!! <3

Speaking of Logan... Have I mentioned on the blog that we decided on her name?! I don't think I have!

We had a couple different names we were debating between, but we ended on Logan Kathleen. We are so in love with it!

This comparison is just too crazy and hilarious not to share! On the left, I am 10 weeks pregnant... and on the right, 38 weeks pregnant. Drew and I had a serious purging-of-the-closet session last weekend, and I found this dress and had to laugh out loud when I saw it. I figured it wouldn't even come close to fitting, but I had to try. I could not believe it actually fit over my belly! So we had to document the occasion. :)

As anxious as I am about labor and delivery - mostly just because I don't know what to expect - I am way way waaaaay more excited about the little bundle of joy it will be bringing us! We are so incredibly excited to hold little Logan in our arms. That moment...will be so perfect. And it could be coming any day!!! <3

Thanks for following along as always, much love,

- Kacey

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