Sunday, August 7, 2016

Perks of Pregnancy

Well, it's 4am. I can't sleep. My restless legs - and mind - are keeping me up...aaaagain. I'm 39 weeks and 2 days pregnant, and I am sooooo ready to meet our little girl. And also soooo over being pregnant. 

I feel terrible complaining, because I have actually had an amazing (and what most would call easy) pregnancy. But, any mom knows, once you get to a certain point, and you're about to pop, literally ALL you can think about is getting this baby out of you. 

Despite my frustrations, I have noticed some awesome advantages of being pregnant. Sure, an obvious perk would be the Expectant Mother parking. Or, the lack of a period. Or maybe, the super long & strong hair & nails. But I have compiled a list that you may not have thought about...

- - Picking dinner locations - -
Be sure to take advantage of this one... Even if you're not craving anything specific. Pretend you are!

- - Wearing your husband's sweatpants - -
Without his complaints... :)

- - Smiling at a stranger - -
It can be quite entertaining, because in my experience, they always get SO excited, almost like they expected me to be angry because I'm pregnant.

- - Baby movements - -
Because there is nothing like feeling a beautiful miracle moving around in your tummy.

- - Preferential treatment - -
Drivers will wave you by when you're walking thru a parking lot... 
Strangers tend to be extra nice to you...
Strangers also tend to look at your belly and smile. :)

- - Being pregnant in the summer - -
I know, you're yelling at your computer, "WHAT?!" But seriously! Rock that bikini, because you don't have to worry one bit about bloating when you're 6, 7, 8 months pregnant... You may just end up looking a little farther along in your pregnancy. And no one has to know the truth :)

- - Having a convenient shelf - -
At this point, my belly is big enough that I can rest things on it. No, really...

There you have it, folks. I know it's not the most extensive list, but I truly hope it made you laugh or smile, or you could at at least relate a little bit. :)

Until next time,

- Kacey, or as Drew lovingly calls me, "Big Belly"

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